October 1997 The Psion Palmtop Computer Collection author: Corey Marion Introduction: The enclosed folders contain seven icons that were part of a set I was contracted to create for a French company called Atelier. They built two products called PsiMac and Psion MaConnect to provide file exchage capabilities between the Macintosh and the Psion line of palmtop computers. I created a complete set of application icons for the software. The set included here is the complete line of current and discontinued Psion machines. Legality: Psion, PsiMac and Psion MacConnect are © 1997 Psion Computers plc and ©1997 Atelier. The enclosed icons were created by hand by Corey Marion. You may distribute this icon collection provided you keep the set intact, including this read me file and DO NOT charge or request fees or compensation of any kind. How To make Use of the Icons: 1. You need system 7 or higher. 2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original icon file that you want to use. 3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu). 4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk. 5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu). 6. Don't forget to e-mail us and let me know what you think! On replacing the trash icon: Many people ask us how to go about replacing their Mac's trash icon with a custom one. There are several ways to go about replacing the trash icon, but we don't recommend messing around with system resources unless you are fairly versed with ResEdit. If you're not sure you want to mess with the guts of your Mac's system files then may we recommend a program called Zonkers! from Nova Development. Zonkers provides users with a safe, fast and easy way to customize ALL system level icons with the click of a mouse (unless you're running Mac OS 8). If you'd like to learn more about Zonkers! for the Mac and all the neat things it can do then head for: Contact: Corey Marion - corey@iconfactory.com The Iconfactory - webmaster@iconfactory.com More Stuff for your Mac: For the ultimate collection of kick butt icons for the Macintosh, we've created a place called The Iconfactory. The Iconfactory has quickly established itself as the premiere web page for Macintosh icons. If your tired of looking for quality icons for your Mac, but only finding junk, then The Iconfactory is for you! We would love to have you add The Iconfactory to your list of bookmarks. The URL is: http://www.iconfactory.com If desktop patterns are more your cup of tea, then you'll want to visit The DeskStop: 3D Desktop Patterns for your Mac. Mindy Weaver & Gedeon Maheux have started the site as a one- stop source for cool, dimensional textures for use on the web, with 3D modeling software or just on your Mac's desktop. Drop by The DeskStop today at: http://members.aol.com/deskstop/index.html Thanks: All of us at The Iconfactory would like to give a big thanks to Apple Computer for restoring our faith that Apple can crank out kick-butt advertising! We can't remember a time when we were so excited just to catch a fleeting glimpse of a commercial. We always knew PowerPC's were better than their Intel counterparts, and now the whole world knows too. Bravo Apple!